Extreme Networks

Design Direction

Partnered with the internal design and brand teams to revamp their product's design language and pivot to a more modern look, marking the biggest change to Extreme's design in the company's history.

Shapely moodboard Tempered moodboard
Type specimen and log in
Create an account
Table and widgets Chart and map
Noto Sans Exo

Concept Design

After having converged on a northstar vision with stakeholders, then applied those design elements and the direction onto screens based on the existing product and features.

Stakeholders also wished to see what the experience could look like if development pursued a dark mode.

Light mode map concept Marketplace concept
Table concept Dark mode map concept

Design System

Working now with a contract development team and Extreme's internal team, created design fundamentals like type and color and then expanded out into components and documentation.

Button component
Badge component Switch component Avatar component
Radio component
Text field component
Color documentation Type documentation Text ramp documentation

Design Technology

Incorportating development skills into the engagment by creating different proof of concept sandboxes, and working to bridge design and devlopment by proposing a new way for us to architect the token structure to be more meaningful for the design team.

Grid sizing React theming sandbox
Slack message Slack message Slack message